How to use HttpPatch in Asp.Net Core

We typically use HttpPut to edit information. In this case, we have to send all the fields related to the entity. But if only one or two fields need to be edited, what is the need to send the rest of the fields? Using HttpPatch we can only send the fields ....
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IIS Always running

By default in IIS, if no request is sent to the application for 20 minutes, the application will be suspended and if a request is sent to the application again, it will respond to the first request with a slight delay. Due to re-running the application. In applications with a large n ....
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Dapper does cache the query strings

When you use Dapper to read information, add information, etc., in the Dapper library, your written query is stored in a ConcurrentDictionary, so that if the same query is run again, the process to run the query again will not run. ....
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Eliding async await

Normally, methods written async do not run faster than sync methods and only allow the system to respond to more requests. This topic was presented in the article How Thread pool works. ....
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Wrong exception line number in stack trace in release mode

A few days ago, in one of the projects I was working on, an Object reference not set to an instance of an object error was issued, and the line where the error was issued was line 61 in the logs. When I checked line 61 ....
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