Create an Interceptor to find slow queries in EntityFramework Core

In this article we want to create an interceptor to find queries that take more than 2 seconds. To implement, we need to create a class that inherits from the DbCommandInterceptor class. The DbCommandInterceptor class is in EF Core 3 or higher ....
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The difference between AsNoTracking and AsNoTrackingWithIdentityResolution

In the Entity Framework, every time we read one or more records of data from the database, they are tracked by ChangeTracker by default. And that gives us some performance reduction ....
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The difference between throw and throw ex

throw, reissues the error with the same StackTrace as before. issues exactly the same error as before. But if you use throw ex, it still issues the same error as before, but with one difference, it resets StackTrace! For example ....
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Implementing RabbitMQ in .Net Core

RabbitMq acts like a FIFO queue; That is, the data enters the queue in sequence and is sent to the consumers in order. To get started, create a new solution called RabbitMqExample and add the following projects. ....
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Difference between IOptions, IOptionsSnapshot and IOptionsMonitor

In the previous article , we discussed how to read data from appsettings.json by IOptions . In this article, we will examine the differences between IOptions, IOptionsMonitor and IOptionsSnapshot. ....
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